How are you? How time flies since I last wrote to my favourite guy at the far, far land called the North Pole. How's Mrs. Clause doing? I hope she's doing fine. I missed her apple cider and gingerbread cookies. Anyway, here I am writing down my top 10 things that I wanted so much. Yeah, I know, I know you still owe me the wishlist that I asked last year. Never mind big guy, I just add this list to that one...hahahaa. Ok here are my wishlist:
1. World peace! (Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh right!)
2. Good health!
3. Make more money! Better job and salary to be accurate.
4. Get married! (How cliche is that?)
5. Sony VAIO lappie, Sony Erickson Xperia
6. More books, more beauty stuff, more men for me to oggle to. :P
7. More time for zzz and relaxation...I severely needed that...
8. Playstation Move!
9. To work with Koei or any neoromance company.
10. Wishful thinking but, can I move to Japan as well???
That's all from me SC. Please keep your promise this time dear Santa? I hate to remind you again and again about it. Send my regards to Mrs. Clause as well as to the elves.
Yours sincerely,