Ah blogging. I have a very sincere intention to do my own blog. My friends and students keep on asking me about it. But still, I am playing deaf. I dunno what motivates me to do so today...especially in a wee hour of 4.12 a.m. Maybe it's the urge that have been pestering me lately, ONLINE BUSINESS...SIDE INCOME...HOME BUSINESS....gosh, I am such a hopeless addict over it...so many ideas came flowering inside my head, but I have to think the pros and cons of each...Obtaining money is such a hard work..>,< I am thinking of selling the small health soaps that the Japanese peeps go gaga lately, or maybe some online book rentals, how about cupcakes? Hmm....-_-;;;
While I am typing this entry, I am watching David Rocco's Dolce Vita, he's making a damn good pancakes....I feel so hungry all of the sudden. Next stop - Kitchen.